For She's A Jolly Good Fellow!

Apr 02, 2007 21:55

cheerful ]

[music: 'Trapped In A Box' No Doubt ]

I decided to definitely drop my English class and focus on my other classes. I'm scared to death though because since I'm financial aid they'll put me on probation which means I need to pick up my grades for the other classes I'm taking, which should be easier now that I don't have to do all that work for English.

My friend gave me the biggest compliment today! She said she can't understand how I am so "jolly". LMAO! She said that even though I have so many problems I'm always really happy, and cheerful. I just explained that I have nothing to complain about I have my health both mental and physical. There are less fortunate people in the world who do not complain about a thing. I guess I just appreciate things a bit more or I just tend to look at the positive side of life.

Grr, today I went shopping with my friends so I missed the season finale of Prison Break. I'm so mad that I missed it but I'm glad I had fun with my friends. :) I'll see it tomorrow though, hopefully. *crosses fingers* Saw the new Dr. Who episode on Saturday, I was actually surprised because I didn't think I was gonna like Martha but I did! And after watching the whole episode I gained an appreciation for David Tennant's facial expressions. *points to icon* ♥ I don't think I've ever found him sexier! ;) Or maybe I just missed him from the hiatus. Who know!

Although I did miss Rose I guess I've resigned myself that she isn't coming back. :( I really wish Billie would do a cameo or something, but then again maybe not because I'd get too sad over the fact that she wouldn't be staying. I watch the Satan Pit again and I've got to say that episode really makes me love Rose. Just how she's so against the Ud (sp?) being enslaved, how she wouldn't leave the Doctor and how she refused to accept that he was dead and wouldn't leave without him! *hugs Rose*.

That being said after having a great conversation/debate/sharing of thoughts with Bea. I came up with this.

I'm adding that to my userinfo. :) I don't actually know the dates that Billie stared on the show, or what years Rose was on the show because I started watching it mid second season online. So I've no clue, feel free to correct me on the dates. In fact I bed you too! :)

billie piper, david tennant, dr. who, friends, school

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