sore ]
[music: 'Fade Together' Franz Ferdinand]
School started this past wednesday I really loved all my classes except for French class which I couldn't understand diddly. So I changed it to Philosophy, but I really didn't want that class I just got it because it was the only one that fit in that time slot. But to decide whether I should keep it or not I went to sit in on the class on Friday and gahh, I soo changed it it's not the subject matter that scares me, it's the teacher and just having missed the first day I had missed alot. So I decided to take Human Evolution instead but I was afraid that you needed a prerequisite for that class because I had tried changing the Philosophy class to a Biology or Chemistry one, but you needed a math and lab prerequisite so I couldn't take that. But my friend informed me that there wasn't any because it would've said so and it would not have let me signed up for it if it needed one.
I'm glad I changed it to Human Evolution it's going to be taught by the same professor I took Archeology with, he was a really good teacher with a great sense of humor. I really look forward to taking this class especially since I wanted to take another one that was similar but you to go the Zoo everyday to study monkeys and their behavior and compare it to modern human behavior I sooo was dying to take that class especially since they only offer it every two years, but my dad barely let's my drive to Edinburg for school let alone all the way to Brownsville to the Glady's Porter Zoo. I'm so happy I'm taking the class *squee*. Now I just need to buy my books for it, I've already purchased all my books except for two English books that they didn't have at the used bookstore and the regular ones were too expensive so I'm waiting until they get more in stock, and the one's I need for Human Evolution since I don't know those yet. Hopefully I won't be too far behind. I also went and resold my Math book and my French book and made some cash off that.
I've also been looking for a job, but haven't found one. I've applied at Pier 1, Petland, and Subway. Or at least was going to apply at Subway until I saw my friend there and told me not to apply because it wasn't a good place to work at. I was hoping to get a call back from Petland which is a pet store, because I love animals and working with them would just be spectacular. But doesn't look like it's going to happen so I guess I'll start applying to other places tomorrow.
P.S: Look what Steph showed me