follow your path and listen to fate

Nov 29, 2006 14:25

amused ]

[music: 'Wake Up' Hilary Duff]

Okay weird. I was at the bank yesterday changing or more like creating a new account because I've been withdrawing too much from my savings and they penalize for too much withdrawals. So I decided to take out a set amount and use that specifically for my personal spending, and in that account I don't get charged or anything. So anyhoo I was there and it was funny because the girl had been complaining that she got no help and was really swamped and then she told her co-worker 'man we really need to hire a new person', so then I said 'well i'm looking for a job' and then he sorta got cheered up and said 'REALLY?!?! aww, but we need someone who can work part-time' lol 'I'm looking for part-time!' hehehehe. Then they said I needed to go to the main branch and fill out an application, so I did and they gave me this sorta mini math quiz and then they'd said they'd be in contact.

Hahahaha, soo funny! Srsly, in all the job opportunities I've had I've gotten by chance. I didn't get Convergy's the first time my friend called me for Snip It's, when I got fired from Snip It's, I was napping and they called me from Convergy's asking if I still wanted the job, and then just by chance being at the bank and that happening! Lmao.


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