Exhaustion is what lets you know, you're still awake enough to feel dead

Sep 28, 2006 22:23

productive ]

[music: 'We Belong Together' Mariah Carey]

I'm so proud of myself! I actually went to tutoring, on my own free will and have done all my math homework, (except that review but that's for this weekend) and I've been working like a dog. I'm soo tired, and it's hard work because I'm basically in charge of everything, giving the kids they're prize, telling the stylist what cut they're giving, answer the phone, charge people, check people in, take appointments, log the people in the computer, and log in the stylist in the computer and monitor they're time with each person. Deal with angry parent's or difficult kids and sometimes entertain the kids or hold them down so they can stay still.

Then at the end of the night I have to count the register and account for all the money, make sure we're not over or under (and it's really puts alot of pressure on me beause if we're under and missing money that's gonna be on me), account for all the credit card receipts and checks, log in the money, take out a certain amount of money and leave it in an envelope for deposit for the owner, give people they're tips, clock them out, clean the whole front of the store, sweep, mop, take out the trash, and the i have to connect to the main computer at headquarters TWICE, turn off all the lights and leave. I'm suppose to get out at seven but I really get home until about nine, and then all I want to do is sleep but I still have to do my homework for that day. *headesk*

Oh, did I mention I'm standing up, and running around while doing all this for about 6-7 hours.


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