(no subject)

Aug 12, 2006 20:31

thankful ]

[music: 'Lovers and Friends' by Usher]

Lmao, yesterday I had a grand old time with my friends. We just hung out watched movies, ate out, ate ice cream, talked, joked around, said silly things!! Hehehehe, it was great! I loved it. We went to see the Devil Wears Prada, again! Well the first time was in my birthday but since it was sold out they had to get tickets to another movie and then sneak into out theater because it really wasn't full. (lol, it was but still, there was room for three more people) So we went to see it so they could catch the beginning of the movie, but before that we headed to McDonalds and ate some ice cream cones and goofed around for a while till the movie started. Then afterwards we went to eat pizza which was great, but I also got a massive headache from all the damn sun!! :( Then we came back to my house to watch Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, because my friend Mariel hadn't seen it and all my other friends love it including me. ;)

Lmao, it was soo funny because we've all seen the second movie except for her who hasn't seen any. Well when they shot Barbosa my friend Lizzie says 'I bet you he doesn't really die' hahahahaha, that was the funniest thing EVER!! We all started laughing except my friend who was like 'huh? what's so funny?' Gahh, I had forgotten I could just hang out and have fun with my friends while essentially doing nothing! I sooo needed this after what my shitty friend did to me and after spending the whole afternoon going car shopping with my dad only to finally realize the bad news that I really shouldn't get my hopes up about getting a car any time soon, because it's just not possible.

Which really got me mad because my friend who 'dumped' me, Rosendo, had just recently gotten a car and he's not even going to a University he's going to a stupid college that is just a couple of blocks away from his house, but that's fine with me I have no problem with it, but he's not even going to be a full time student. You need 12 hours to be a full time student, which is about 4 classes assuming they are each 3 hours long, but he's only taking three classes!! And it get's me soo mad because he lies all the time, he sneaks around, he has taken drugs, and has done many other things and I don't think he deserves that car! (i have to travel to another city, drive 30-45 min to get there, and i'm taking five classes [15 hours], plus my job on campus).It pissed me off so much when he got it, it just reminded me of all the rich kids at school who had Hummers, Mercede's, Mini Coopers, and believe it or not Jaguars, because they didn't deserve them they didn't work for them and they were snotty and looked down on everybody else and many, such as this one girl I had for class just got good grades off copying other peoples work. (she always copied from me) But oh well I've just learned I can't always worry about what other people have, I just have to appreciate what I have and thank God for it everyday.

I'm also grateful for the friends I have. Few they may be, but they're the best!! ;) They always cheer me up, make me laugh, comfort me when I need it and they're just there to have fun with. Which is the best thing a friend could ever do for you, is just be there. Hahahah, whether we're leaving a eight dollar tip or we're counting the pennies to pay for a coffee it's great to have honest, loyal friends.

This Comment made my day. :) ♥

lesson # 164 dont leave a fellow McFriend behind..

this fucker will be taught a lesson...

and his rosieness will be DESTROYED..

haha.. i have no idea what i just wrote but aight..

Lol, inside joke with my friend Lizzie. When we were at McDonalds we saw that they had this thing with shirts and caps inside and it was called the McStore, and I thought that was hilarious so I said to my friend "Geez, they just put Mc in front of everything here!" then we started calling everything Mc lol, I started saying I was going to take my 'Mcpurse and use it to Mcpay for out McFood' and said that the lady was going to tell us to 'shut the Mcfuck up'. Hahahha, good times.

P.S: Also my sis fixed my PSP problem I can resize properly now and she showed me how to download fonts! *squee*

friends, movies, potc

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