(no subject)

Sep 24, 2009 23:11

[music: 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds' the Beatles]

Well I've finished season 3 of Supernatural, I now officially consider myself a fan! Yay, I cannot believe I was missing out on such an amazing show! I've just got to say I'm totally head over heels in love with Sam and Dean. I cried so much when Sammy died! Not just cuz *ahem* he died, but also seeing Dean's pain was heartbreaking. :(

Srsly tho I spent all my money buying the damn seasons now I'm broke. Boo! But since I can't wait for payday to watch Season 4 I'll just patiently wait for it do download. :)

Off to bed now, bye bye!

P.S: We were talking about Hamlet today in my Literature class and now I feel like watching the Dr. Who episode with Shakespeare. Idk why I just randomly decided to share that.
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