Drown my will to fly

Jul 09, 2008 21:33

disappointed ]

[music: 'I Will Follow You Into the Dark' Death Cab for Cutie]

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! *hugs* to you all! I'm kinda bummed right now because I just got my grade back from my summer one class and I got a D. I tried so hard and I feel like I didn't even accomplish anything! I feel even worse because I know I could've tried harder. Idk what I'm going to do for the fall I'm considering taking a semester from school off just to get my life in order, relax and have more time. But then I'd feel like I'm waisting my life if I do. I don't know I'll evaluate my options later, right now I'm gonna wallow in sadness and try to keep my mind occupied other wise I feel I might cry out of frustration/disappointment/confusion/sadness.


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