Currently Reading:
The Way of Zenby Alan Watts
A Rare Jewel:
What is possible the most difficult thing in the world to do?
What is precious to us, though we often treat it cheaply?
What is it that we often ask or even demand of others, even though we have intention of accepting?
A sincere apology. Not the kind of apology that we tend to puke at each other as a matter of "keeping them quiet", but a truly sincere apology. The kind of apology made on a bent knee, and a tear in the eye.
When it is truly offered, without being asked for, it is a jewel of the heart that is being offered to us. Accept the gift as though it were as fragile as an egg, as valuable as a jewel, and as treasured and beloved as an infant.
Such apologies rekindle friendships, and end wars.
Such apologies are the secret of peace.
"Much of the suffering in the world comes from the illusion that we are separate from one another." - Gautama Buddha