As a very versed old gentleman once said...

Jun 07, 2006 00:31

So like a month or something has passed since The Last Broadcast (ooo good movie...) from Cappy World. I bet you all missed me so much it hurt. Don't lie.

Anyway I've... knocked down a few monstrous things staggering in my immediate mental path the past few hours/day/weeks/what have you. Barring the fact that I totally sucked (but still got a W of course) last time out, and I was late to the game today, and I'm not even going to the game tomorrow (shhh it's a sekrit), I feel rather goddamn good about everything right now.

Is it June already?

Anyway Corey should really fulfill that promise of daunting Princely Power he promised. And JJ needs to stop being hurt. And msmilwaukee made me smile by updating us all on her move-in to Kansas City, which I fully support because Missouri is AMAZING.

And I need to catch my plane and say adieu already, but I'm kind of bouncing off the walls so it's a little difficult at the moment.
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