Pundit Kink Meme

Jul 11, 2009 22:24

The Pundits Kink Meme, 2.0

For The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, MSNBC, CNN, even FOX is fair game. :)

The Rules:

1. Choose a pairing.
2. Choose a kink. If none come to mind, see this list for inspiration.
3. Your comments should be anonymous! Before you read any further, click anonymous or log off.
4. Didn't I tell you to log off?
5. For every request you make, please try to fill at least one! Of course, not everyone is a writer and we don't want to discourage the readers from participating, but this will be pretty pointless if the requests are all we get. So if you find something that tickles your muse, please to not be resisting.

Following the upstanding example of everysecondtues, the host of the previous Pundit Kink Meme, I'll be editing this entry periodically with links to written prompts so as to make it easier for all to find their way to their preferable read.

May the fun commence.


1. Wyatt/Aasif/OFC; voyeurism.; pt. 2; pt. 3
2. Stephen/JohnO; mentions of Jon
3. Stephen/Amy/Paul; drunk!sex, pt.1; pt. 2
4. Home is Where You Get Your Head (Demetri/John), pt. 1; pt. 2
5. Stephen/Paul share a bed, pt.1 and 2
6. Jon/John h/c; Jon/Stephen friendship pt. 1; pt. 2; pt. 3
7. Control, pt. 1 - 4 (Keith/Shepard)
8. The Perils of Midnight Swimming, (Keith/Anderson, HS AU), pt. 1; pt. 2
9. Jon/Jason; h/c; pt. 2
10. Keith/Anderson; HS AU; pts. 1-4
11. Jon/Anderson; frottage; pt. 1; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4
12. Jon/"Stephen" (Jon in charge, "Stephen" tops); pt. 1; pt. 2
13. Kristen/John, pts. 1 and 2
14. What happens in BillO's office... (Keith/Shep)
15. By the Rules (Jon/Stephen; Keith/Anderson); pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4; pt. 5; pt. 6
16. Keith/Anderson '50s AU; pts. 1 and 2
17. Keith/Rachel; in public
18. Redemption, pts. 1-3 (Keith/"Stephen")
19. Response, pts 1&2 (Jon/JohnO)
20. Jon/Stephen, Jon/unknown, Stephen/unknown; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4
21. Keith/Seth MacFarlane
22. Keith/Rachel; my sweet boy
23. John/Andy; first time; Pt. 2
24. John/Stephen; roleplay; Pt. 2
25. Keith, Keith/Rachel, masturbation
26. Man-Handler (Riggle/Anderson)
27. Andy Zaltzman/Producer Tom
28. Stephen/Jon/Anderson, threesome, voyeurism; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4
29. Bath Time (Jon/Anderson)
30. Rachel/Drunk!Keith, pts. 1-4
31. Just Kissing (Erica Hill/Campbell Brown), pts. 1&2
32. Anderson/Erica
33. Anderson/Paul, D/s, ice
34. Jon/Jon
35. Jon/John, body marking, pt.1; pt. 2
36. Crossing Over ("Stephen"/Michael Scott), pt. 1; pt. 2
37. Tumbling (Amy/Paul/Stephen); pt. 2; pt. 3
38. Jon/Denis/Raven, drug-fueled sex; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4
39. Jon/Stephen; dress-up
40. Jon/JohnO/Stephen; double penetration; pt. 2; pt. 3; pt. 4a; pt. 4b
41. Catholics Don't Masturbate; "Stephen"; pts 1&2
42. *Insert Johnny Cash lyrics here*, John/Jon; prison!smut; pt. 2
43. Jon/Denis; Jon tops, Denis begs; pts 1&2
44. Anderson/Jon; public
45. stoneface; Stephen/Paul/Amy; pts 1-3
46. Jon/JohnO/Stephen; double penetration; pt 2; pt 3; pt 4a; pt 4b;
47. Jon/Stephen; D!Stephen; pts 1-3
48. Jon/Stephen; silence
49. You Got The Peaches, I Got The Cream; food kink; Jon/"Stephen" (+Tad and Killer); pt 2; pt 3
50. First Times; teen AU, masturbation; Jon/Stephen; pt 2
51. Jon/Lewis; make-up sex
52. Keith/Rachel; body heat
53. Jason/Stephen (+Sam); dubious con; pts 1-10
54. Purple, pts 1-3; Joan/"Stephanie"; NC-17
55. "Stephen"/$1.99 bag of tube socks

fics, fakenews, kink meme, meme, fandom

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