day 3 of no cigarettes went off without a hitch (minus the 3 hitches where i slipped and actually smoked a cigarette). even so, 3 cigarettes is a hell of a lot better then a pack a day i must say.
im really trying to get in shape for basic, i ran 2.5 miles today; however i did feel like i was going to puke.
i'm getting slightly over-anxious; i would really just like to leave for basic training and get this all over with - but, then again, i guess waiting is good; it'll give me time to get in shape.
smoking pot has always leveled me out emotionally; i never looked at me smoking pot as making me a dirtbag, or anything of that effect. to be honest, i think that if i hadn't had enjoyed getting high, i really don't know what would have happened, i mean - would i have liked alcohol a lot more? i mean, ive always been more drawn towards smoking pot, then drinking a beer - pot was just always more appealing - and i always enjoyed it, and im glad i was never the type to get drunk every weekend, or whatever. (that was a little bit of a rant)
8 arms that hold you "reunion" show - before i leave for the navy, that'd be nice, and fun.
i miss my (old)friends.