Another set of pictures =]
Ghen's Laila is expecting her second baby with James
Their son Zack aged up, but here are some pics of him as a tot
Thought this was really cute ^_^
And here he is aged up
Laila had a baby girl by the name of Omalola
Her big sister Noemi, James and Chloe's daughter, got a makeover
She broke it off with Libertine's Jaime. She then later started dating my Mesaile<3 I havent seen/played him in a while I was happy to see him again
Zack became really good friends with Emeril&Memos daughter Mariah
Random shot of Memo
I added into my game Mouseyblues Arthur♥
Quite the gardening sim
He's "sorta" dating Chloe, whom also got a makeover like her daughter. She went from dark black hair to blonde!
Chloe's younger brother Olie aged up. Following the aging of her other baby brother Kevin *Ghen's Felix and my Maya's kids*
Chloe's twin /Cindy had twins with Ghen's Cam. They were natural too, no cheating.
*i forgot his name* (dont i always forget names)
I did remember hers though..Kamile =] This isnt that great of a shot either.
Next time forsure ill get his name, and better shots of both.
Cam pretty beat. Having twins is really alot of work.
And 3 shots of 3 simmies...
I forgot her name (definitely got a new plant default after i took this pic)
and hers...*shes a little wacko tho* i need to start remembering these sims names
Thanks for stoping by =]