yeah they let me keep them. I threw them out like a year later when we were cleaning out the fridge. hehe.
Yeah I'm just starting to realize how gross that story is!
Oh, also, I got a pin drilled into my finger a while ago and I got to keep it after they took it out and I keep it in a baggie in my purse to gross out random people. It's just a steel pin, it's really not gross. I swear. ;)
I guess its easier to get your tonsils out when you are younger... You heal quicker...
Yeah I'm just starting to realize how gross that story is!
Oh, also, I got a pin drilled into my finger a while ago and I got to keep it after they took it out and I keep it in a baggie in my purse to gross out random people. It's just a steel pin, it's really not gross. I swear. ;)
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