*pity party for one please*

Apr 19, 2008 12:52

Ok so I am sick. Like 101.0˚F and 101.6˚F sick. I have been sick earlier this semester (or year) but never had the fever to go with. Ahg.

Ap. 17 night was ok, it was kinda hard to take deep breaths because it would hurt only on my right side. Thought nothing of it. Friday I was back at the Pre-K special Ed room and all day was super tired and had a headache (didn't help that at 11p we had a bogus fire call I went to and got wet because the line of storms across TX decided to break open as we were heading back) ... I made it through the day. Got a new memory card for the camera, but sadly it's still acting oddly. Made mental note to call on Sat (today). Went to work, 4-9, and about 5:30ish I started getting really cold. I looked at the temp cause they love to have it low, it was 75˚. Well crap.

So my back-up comes at 6, and I am just a blob at this time, my head hurts, getting dizy... whole 9 yards. I knew i had a fever. I knew I couldn't last the whole night. So at 7 I punched out, went home, finished American Idol, and started last weeks Battlestar Galactica (i'm a bad fan,... who has more life not frak). I'm almost at that point of nodding off, and my phone rings, it's my manager. Asking me where I am. Why am I not at work. Raisa (the other ass.) is backed up .... I say ok, I'm on my way back. *click* I told her i had a 101˚ fever (oh but when she isn't feeling well... someone else has to cover her shift *WAAAA*) and I truge back up stairs and get my uniform on, truge back across town (not even 5 min drive) and i am fuming at Raisa... turns out very long circumstances I am just really ticked at my manager. I end up propping myself on some paper boxes and Raisa and I just talk. It was a blast. I am sick, at work, she just found out she is preggers, and we are talking about odd stuff. Next thing we know, it's 10:30... i close my drawer and leave, letting her close for the night, and i made up the hour I missed (because silly me was at home with a fever) and fulfilled my extra 2 hours i had on schedule.

I fell asleep in my chair, got up at 7:40a and went to my bed, sleeping until 11:30a and now am thinking about bath. I am sure I still have a fever (haven't tested it) and I go in at 6 tonight, and have to drop off a reciept before I go to work at a friends.

I work tonight til close, and Sunday. Am back at the store on Monday, taking out a day I was offered to sub, Sub on Tues at the Pre-K special Ed, and then Wed with 2nd grade (NOT the same hellions I did last Wed.) and so far nothing on Thursday (small yeah) and Friday with the high school... kids who are in detention. The bad guys. those who will give me a war if i get everything and am accepted into the program to do my certification. My reaction? Bring. Them. On. This shorty can take them DOWN... or at least write them up (a lot)...

So ya 12 more days til i fly to London! and a lot of work coming my way which means a lot of money in my account, which means I can get my BP and be all ready to fly!!!

(ah one thing, Emma and Cherylynn, are we positive about leaving for Cardiff on the 7th? because I need to know so i can cancel an extra night at the hostel. TY!)

life, highs and lows, work

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