Bab(ies) Blue, Sam/Daniel, PG

Jan 18, 2008 15:53

Bab(ies) Blue
By: chris4short
Prompt: 15. Blue
Word Count: 254
Rating: PG
Summery: Daniel is excited about the birth of his kids.

Daniel was a bottle of nervous energy when they came back from the doctor. He helped Sam up the stairs, opened the front door, brought her to the living room and practically told her not to move.

“I’m pregnant, not an invalid,” Sam grumbled. Daniel wisely shoved some crackers in her direction.

“I’ll be back in a few hours,” Daniel said, almost leaping out of the house back toward the car.

“Ya, ok, sure.” Sam shook her head and closed her eyes to take a quick nap before preparing dinner.

Two hours Daniel had come back and found Sam still sleeping on the couch. He tentatively touched her stomach, marveling how in four months his son would be finally be greeting the world.

Sam woke and smiled, hoping Daniel had calmed down a bit, but as his eyes lit up, she knew he had only gotten more excited, if it was possible.

“You put a new meaning to ‘proud father,’” Sam said, sitting up.

“Oh common, it’s our first! It’s exciting,” Daniel said, bringing a bag closer to him. “Here,” he said, shoving it toward her.

Sam gave a small laugh and opened the bag, taking out a few boxes, and opened one. She gasped as she pulled two small newborn jumpers.

“They are so small!” she said, caressing the garment.

Daniel put his hand over her belly and nodded. Sam looked up at him, tears in her eyes, as she covered his hand with hers.

“We are having twin baby boys!”

sam, stargatefic100, daniel

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