June.... means still working!

Jun 23, 2015 14:53

Summer School started two weeks ago, and this is the last week of classes before the 4th of July week off. And since I am teaching Acceleration, I have an extra two days after that. BUT... I am so close to the end and my trip to Germany.

The change in teaching - because we only teach for 5 hours - has also meant a shift in my eating also. I am happy to say I have continued to loose since the 119, going down to 117 last week, and then I had a conference, so back closer to 119/118. I know it seems like so low numbers, and I feel kind of stupid to add that my personal goal is 115.

My mom did take pictures along the way, so maybe a better reference:

The first set was taken the first week in February, when I was home for a convention.
Second was taken mid March, during Spring Break.
Last one was taken during the Dallas Comic con weekend, when I hit 119.

The most important factor is how I feel. I feel better. I feel like I can truly walk around and be proud of how I look. It is a change of life style and I am not going to let my bad habits that got me back to the bigger me, come back and control me. I know I can eat the "no foods" - bread, pasta, and chocolate/sweets. BUT as treats, not as things in my daily diet. My base foods are protein based - eggs, chicken (lots of chicken), greek yogurt (Dannon Light and Fit is best in high protein), and veggies.

This last weekend I had cheesecake. It was just so good... and I will say it's not bad for breakfast too. It was chocolate (duh) and so yummy. The scale did not jump up to 144, and I did not feel too bad for eating it. Next month when I am in Germany and London, I will have to watch what I choose to eat, but I am also not going to eat "like a rabbit" - land of the bread and Bangers and Mash does not say salad for every meal. BUT, it does say moderation.

I still need to do my strength exercises and try to get my muscles tones. I have the body where I am more comfortable in, but I want to get the tone my body deserves. It's harder since I am tired after teaching - just like the rest of the school year - but I do have a few of the tools at home. Books and stuff and dumbells - I need to use it, not just the 40+ sit ups and side-leg lifts.

Just because I am at goal does not mean I should stop posting - or telling of my journey. I will try to keep a better update as I maintain and shift more comfortably into the new eating style I have chosen for me and and my body. :) Thank you for all the cheers and encouragement along this road so far - we still have a bit to go!

travel, con: dallas comic con, support pound loss

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