Supporting Others, One Small Loan at a Time

May 01, 2009 12:32

I come with an opportunity to help others... So you too can smile.

I am supporting this man:

Armando Enrique Urbina

I first heard about Kiva from the video blog I am addicted too. I'm such a nerd, but good news, cause they are too! They even gave us nerds a name - Nerdfighters. (Any closet Nerdfighters out there?)

But back to the topic, what is Kiva? Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty. It doesn't get rid of poverty, it helps one person, or group of persons to rise above their surroundings, and have a chance to break the cycle of poverty.

They list REAL people who are asking for LOANS for businesses, repairs, to buy merchandise to continue to grow, or to start a new shop or farm that they wish to run. Since it's a LOAN, you get your money back. Well, like any loan, they are supposed to repay. But there is a really low percentage of recipiants who don't pay back all or any of their loan. And, if nothing else, or if you think of it this way, it's a charity, and you are helping someone try to better themselves.

So you give a little, and you get it back in a few months. I don't know if you get interest back on the loans, but even if not, your money is helping someone else while it was burning a hole in your pocket. And what's more awesome, that shiny new DVD, or helping someone help their family and community rise above starving?

And what is the Nerdfighters? And what are their purpose? And why would I want to be one?

Besides making us Nerds way Awesome, they strive to lower World Suck Levels. What the? Yes.. well World Suck Levels are basically from No Suck (everything is great in the world) to Red Suck (things are not looking good and really, really, well, suck)... So it's the Suck Level Red is starvation, and Green Level of Suck is when you have food to spare.

So, Nerdfighters fight with AWESOME and Decrease World Suck. I figure I am Creative Nerd, or Teacher Nerd, but I am more creative than teacher. I don't know... Hmm... Who wouldn't want to be part of a place where we fight with Awesome against the Suck of the world? By nature we Nerds are not the popular kids, we are the thinkers, and the writers, the ones who speak profound and do profound (and than support others across the world to become Awesome in their own right).

Basically, I am asking you to think about helping Kiva, specifically this man, to expand his house so he can continue to expand his photography buisness down in Managua, Nicaragua. You can donate $25USD, or whatever your contry uses as currency (they encourage global lenders) and help someone with a loan. Look at it this way, for the price of a few CDs, or movies, you can be contibuting to Decreasing World Suck for one person.

:) And that makes Nerds Awesome!


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