Oct 26, 2008 11:44

I'm cleaning my bedroom in prep for tiah15's arrival sometime (she is still working on the details I think), and am *finally* unpacking my suitcase (fully) from my London/Germany trip in May. *sheepish grin* well...

So anyway, I opened the zippers, looking through some paper, and I see a blue book... could it be? I grabbed it and flipped it over - IT WAS MY PASSPORT!! I thought I lost my passport somewhere here in the States when I got back because for the LIFE of me, I couldn't find it! YEAH!! So now I can do midnight trips overseas should my finances ever be so nice. Not that I would, just saying I could. :)

So, while we are at it, let's do the beloved highs and lows!
* Am working everyday at the school subbing. For 2 weeks I was in Pre-K, and was offered the job to be the full-time aide. Considered it for a moment, but after really thinking about it, I declined. This past week I have done Pre-K, 6-8 ESL at the Middle School, 2nd Grade, helped the Nurse, 5th Grade 1/2 a day, and... I think that's it. My week kind of blended together in a odd way.

* Payday! I have money to alot to things... so which means I'll be poor again until next payday... which depends on which job we are talking about.

* STILL sick. I've been battling a cold for about a month. Cleaning has stirred the dust and makes my nose run (ick) but I'm not hacking up a lung like 2 weeks ago.

* I feel once more, unmotivated to do anything. I hate it. I have a pile of stuff I need to do, and the drive to do nothing, not even sit and do nothing. How sad is that?

So short this time. Poetic, no? LOL. I've been listening to audio books, and earlier finished SG-1's Gift of the Gods read by the angelic Michael Shanks *siiiiigh* and now I am listening to SGA's A Necessary Evil read by the awesome Torri Higginson. I think after that I have still some Torchwood books to listen to. I finished the Torchwood book I bought in England, it was really good! I have tried to find all the audio books, and think I have 5 so far.

Atm, Aset is curled up in a drawer of freshly (and at one point semi-hair free) folded clothes, so I can't close it, but I don't really mind, I'm working around her. Isis seems to be kind of put out she doesn't get her own drawer to perch in, but is trying to explore the bag of garbage. So maybe that will entertain her for a bit.

travel, aset, isis, highs and lows, teaching, work, con: gabit

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