Dec 21, 2004 21:50
Well it was aboout a week ago when I got mail, which was weird because I never get mail. So I was walking through the dinning room and my brother told me, which his name is mick said I got mail. I look through it and it was a letter from the poetyr contest I entered a long time ago and I picked it up and ran to my room. I open it as fast as I can and it said I got "Editer's Choice Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry Writing!" So I was so happy and I called my dad and told him what happened and he was so proud of me. He told me congradulation and Said we were going to do something specail. I caled most of my friends and told them what happened it was cool! I had never been so happy since I won first place in "Ready Writing!" Well this is my poem: There was a pretty girl, who looked at me strangely, I saw her once more, with those beautiful brown eyes, I walked up to her, she turned to me gently, the smell of her preciouness, made me fall in love! So I am going to go ok. well see ya later ok. PEACE!!!!!