The transferrable battle

Jul 31, 2006 18:44

I recently checked in on one of my favorite site to see an update of a fanfic that I 've been reading. Because of the site was down a few months ago, thanks to hackers, it caused a great deal of loss among previous published fics. Moving along, the authoress posted what I thought to be an update, but wasn't, it was a  response to someone (and maybe more) who basically caused a misunderstanding, dishonor to the authoress' culture, acusation of misleading the fans to a link that does not open, got her booted off the site and insulted her for not posting updates faster. Now, I for one was not only lost to what was going on but felt bad to witness a feud between a reviewer and the authoress.
I have read reviews where I think the reviewer goes too far and the FAN(S) attacks the reviewer on a nasty level and truly delivers the smackdown. Points to the fans.  In fact, when the author/authoress of any fanfictions is put in a compromising position that they are being attack, the author has a right to defend themself. But is this going too far? It started at another site then got transferred onto my favorite site. Is the authoress going to lose her fan base and creditbility when the reviewer publically apologized and asked her not to keep posting hers/his penname?
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