Mar 13, 2005 18:02
very productive day today!
the ant war spread to singer 39 this morning, woke up to find my bedside table literally (!) covered in ants, like some great ant army ready to storm my bed...or something! watched popworld with one eye on simon amstell and one on the ever growing ant invasion force, i won the battle with some raid and some hoovering and am now preparing for the 2nd round...
spent the rest of the morning doing the boring little things that are neccessary for me (and the fishys) to stay alive and have spent all afternoon on the sims, cos i'm just that cool! it does strike me as slightly odd that i have spent much of the last 3 days ignoring the university around me in favour of the little fake one inside my computer but i'm sure u'll all be glad to know that aaron, meadow (no, i didn't name her), sophie and beau (or him) all passed the first year of their degrees with a*'s! if only i could believe that the same was possible here...
to clarify btw, i look nothing like chris moyles!
and back to the sims we go...