(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 00:00

so T-town was so much fun with Syd and Brett! I cannot wait til this fall...

Basketball game was bad yesterday... 2 girls got thrown out of the game, Lindz got her glasses broken, Megan got slapped in the face on purpose, Grace got hit and almost punched the girls lights out before the ref stopped her.. they fouled us like crazy and we all have bruises and scratches... and to top it off... we lost..thats girls church basketball for ya

In Sunday school this morning we raced remote controlled porsches in the gym. It was freakin awesome BUT I still dont understand how that tied in with the lesson.. haha oh well

so holding hands in choir tonight was definitely hilarious! haha! We looked so funny! I promise though Bob told us to.. but whatever.

Amazing Love How can it be?
That you my King would die for me
Amazing Love I know its true
And it's my joy to honor You
In all I do I honor You
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