Jun 25, 2005 13:55
ok guys and gals....i am on mono watch....yeah so this past wk i have not been on vacation as some might have assumed because of my absense from the internet......my cell phone......frisbee.....pizza......other fun activities i was invited to.....but no i was taking a break from the living and had joined the "undead" at least that is what i felt like.
so yesterday i went to the dr.s .....he finally had time to see me...but i understand....his mother had died the wk before and he was dealing with that. but they decided to take blood from me (big mistake) so me and needles dont get along to begin with but seriously this was aweful. lets just say she couldnt find my vein and then i lost the little bit of food i had eaten.....it was one of the most painful things ever.....like i swear it was worse than the frisbee to the face at joes house. but anyway i didnt take to well to that so that blood work i should find out about on monday and i will know if i have mono or not.... so guy keep me in your thoughts and pray its not mono.
oh everyone listen to balky.....FRISBEE SHALL RETURN.....he is trying to get yall to play and no one ever shows.....come'on go play.....especially if i cant cause of mono i dont want everyone else to not get to play.
miss yall