What to do if you want to travel Central America * (what we didn't)

Mar 13, 2005 13:47

Finally in Costa Rica, last stop before NZ and OZ. Dominican Republic was fantastically expensive, which amusingly meant that for the two of us it was fantastically cheap, because we couldn't afford to do anything much. We saw whales. We windsurfed (or more accurately bounced off the board, the sail, the rocks that were always below us when we fell off etc), and we spent two weeks eking out our meagre funds.

Learning Experiences

So, what have I learned? If you want to travel Central America, there is one excellent way to do it, which is fly in one end with no fixed schedule, and fly out the other. Then there are the wrong ways to do it, which involve flying. Because flying is the absolute worst way to travel ever devised by man. Fast, in theory. But you loose a day each time, to getting up at 5am to catch the 8-30 flight leaving you too tired to do much else. Fighting the thousands of taxis-drivers, who always assume your flight came from Hicksville, and you'll pay 50 US Dollars just to be taken from one end of the pavement to the other. The endless searches, and irritating people in the queues infront who clearly have never been through customs before and may not get to leave if they don't stop being unpleasant to the vendictive authority. No. No more flights.

Oh, and I think that the carribean sucks.

24 hours on 3 planes on the 18th. That'll be fun.
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