So..haven't updated in a long...long time.

Nov 25, 2008 19:19

So what the heck has been up lately? A lot to be frank... some of it blamed on the holidays, other stuff blamed on my own hamster wheel mind. Good stuff first...Liam is coming on December 2nd! I am excited, and Niki will be able to break out of hospital prison. <33 Her and Brian. Secondly I hate my job more then ever. I've never passionately hated anything quite this much. The very thought of going into work is making me sick to my stomach. Literally. There's nothin I can do about it though, me and Chris could not ever live without my check. So i guess I'm stuck here being a phone bitch for a while. My boss is tweaking me out... Like I see him be rude to other people, right in front of my face, but he's being really nice to me. It's odd. It's unnatural...I called him tonight cause I'm really sick and wanted to go home...he told me that's fine, but if I could work through it I should so that attendance doesn't become a problem. no annoyed sighs or not picking up the phone. Which all left me in WTF land. I dunno...this job gives me a headache...

I don't feel like writing anymore. :/ Sorry folks. 
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