fragment of an artist statement for a glacier

Sep 08, 2008 01:37

a sample can represent the whole only when the whole is a known entity.
fragments of life always fail to reveal the whole of it. 
photograph and words belonging to
ville lenkkeri

i saw this ville lenkkeri photograph at the only gallery on the street where i lived in florence. 
it is an entire world. it was big enough to fall into. tonight, i found that image by chance reading artist statements from the helsinki school. i have a replication of this image, which i always kept in my little old providence apartment. it has been said that you should surround yourself with photographs of places where you wish you could be. keeping photographs that way seems like sound advice.  that way, no matter where you are, you're at the place you wish you were.

art, artist statement, helsinski school, florence, ville lenkkeri, thoughts, quote, photography

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