Four year old uses her bike to murder an 87 year old woman.Um... lolwut? I completely disagree that four years and nine months old is old enough to use critical thinking and reasoning skills. Children at this age BARELY use their frontal lobe for decision making (the frontal lobe is used for higher order thinking, like empathy and resisting biological urges, and fine motor movement). Also, I doubt she was very proficient at riding her bike at that age, because children just do not have highly coordinated motor movements before extensive training and brain maturation. (This is part of why the physical act of writing is difficult for young children.) Also, the last quote by the judge, while I'm leery to interpret it out of context like that, sounds like he's implying the child hit the old woman on purpose. Unless the kid has antisocial personality disorder, this seems a bit unlikely... AMERICA, STOP BEING A DOUCHE.
And while we're on the topic, to the guy on the school board (and the other guy running for some sort of political office) who said church and state should not be separate: Please stop wasting America's medical resources by visiting doctors and getting vaccines. You are harming society by repressing science, critical thinking, and basic human rights, and using the products of the labours you oppose is hypocritical and a waste of our resources. Thanks. (Unfortunately, I do not have a link to either of these stories, but I'm sure my American friends can think of many people these men could be.)
Second (or third, whichever):
Another biodiversity summit fails.Oh, we are SHOCKED. Why would I give up the money I have right now to make tons more in the future? I mean, I might not even be alive then! And screw my children having health and prosperity (not to mention the general happiness that nature can provide (srsly, being in nature has been shown to greatly reduce stress and improve overall health, never mind the value of natural resources and services)); that doesn't benefit me right this very second, and when they're older they'll fix anything we destroy.
In related good news, though, Iberian lynxes are making a nice comeback after some intensive conservation and captive breeding efforts. (Though please keep in mind that many, many animals do not survive in captivity, much less breed. And many animals which do breed become incapable of surviving in the wild after only a few generations.)
Some day I will post my opinion on society relying on zoos for genetic conservation. (Hint: it's very BAD.)