(no subject)

May 05, 2009 21:58

All in all why I think Primeval is detiorating and I’m beginning not to like it and a lot of other peoples it seems). Also why I feel the writers have ‘cheated’ us in a fashion, (I actually spell checked this for once so it might actually make sense). Yes this is very long but I really cannot be bothered to go out today so I’m a tad bored and wrote this!

After the latest episode and spoilers I am really starting to lose faith in primeval ever being the unique high quality written programme it was before. To start of I will say that primeval’s first two seasons were unique to the sci-fi genre. They didn’t have the basic team set up of the leader being the action hero etc… The actual idea in itself was unique and how it was writing and acted was also unique. It also treat the audience as intelligent human beings giving them the facts, the clues and the mysteries to solve

It also used scenes of character interaction, main characters and guest characters too. This in itself created a lot of the show, forming the character dynamics that were set in place which were brilliant in themselves and just as much a part of the show as the CGI and action scenes. Also it set a ‘realistic’ tone to the show as it showed the characters being ‘human’ and reacting as ‘humans’ would.

This human characteristic to the show is what makes people become attached to characters whether they love, hate or get angry at them: it makes them feel sad when the characters do and happy when they do to. And before anyone says it is just T.V I have to say this sort of ‘attachment’ is usually what makes a T.V show like this so good and popular, so I’ll say it now that what has become evident in primeval, based on the reactions to characters deaths and how people have put energy into posting on this forum etc, that primeval succeeded in this in its first two seasons through brilliant acting and writing.

This Is why people have reacted badly to the deaths so for you who say it’s only T.V or I don’t care as long as Connor or Abby don’t die try to remember that people do become attached to characters in T.V shows, that is what makes it a good show for a lot of people. Although not everyone I will admit as some people do watch shows just for the action or other characters and I’m guessing a lot of these do not have a problem with the new season but have thought for the other fans.

On to the new season, (hehe),

This ‘new’ (and supposable improved) primeval doesn’t seem to be primeval at all. It seems that the writers have ‘cheated’ the viewers we seemed to have lost the intelligent side to primeval and what is playing on our screens seems to bare no resemblance to the unique show that it once was. Now we seem to have swapped to an old James Bond film (no offence to this film as in its own right they are good). We are now watching what seems to be the generic, clichéd and corny sci-fi show, with superman action heroes, bad guys, monsters, gadgets and corny humour included. This transition was easy for some who maybe prefer the action but not for others.

To explain further why I have come to think this I’ll start of with the seemingly detiorating acting minus Ben Miller as he is still amazing (with little offence to the actors as possible). From the last two seasons it is evident that the actors can act beyond the stereotypical characters they have been lately, so I am not blaming this lack of decent acting solely on hem as I think the new scripts and in-experienced writers who know nothing of the former primeval are too, after all you can only work with what you have got. I think this lack of ‘decent’ acting as someone has said before may also be due to the departure of actors such as Dougie who a very serious actor himself raised the bar for the other actors, but this as Dougie wanted to leave cannot be helped.

This lack of decent acting seems to have lead to the character dynamics being destroyed and clichéd due to the few seems involving character interactions beyond action and violence seemed extremely fake and forced as if the writers are trying to force it into our faces and are just crossing their fingers in hope we’ll eat what we are given. For example the Jenny, Danny interactions and well basically any team interactions (again the few that they are). This I am not impressed with as it makes the show lose its human and realism touch and again slowly turns it into a clichéd action show.

Next I have to say that along with the new super power Danny the show seems to have brought along it own super powers with the ability to change its characters dependant on what the writers want them to act like. What seems to have happened is the writers are writing the characters around the script not the script around the characters, which is the recipe for many annoyed fans! The IQ of the characters particularly Connor seems to range from 10 to 150 dependant on the situation. Also Danny who all in all is just an ex cop seems to be any all out superman with no real emotions such as fear!

Abby seems to just be someone who now runs and does nothing unless told when in previous seasons she was a hard kick ass girl with a mind of her own. This new Abby is a clichéd character in a show.

Connor just seems to have become the ARC village idiot (granted he was always this) but before this he had other characteristics to him beyond this and had a mind of his own. He seemed to grow up them become a child again in the space of an episode! Also clichéd.

Danny Quinn could have been a brilliant character if he was actually realistic and not James Bond. This guy seems to show no real emotions such as fear and this is all adding to the shows lack of realism. He seems to have the ability to do anything and the team seem to trust him beyond doubt despite the fact he nearly has them killed (and by all realism that the show used have) would of. The writers seem to be trying to force him in our faces saying ‘look at him he’s amazing (ly clichéd) now love him!’ they could of done so much more with the character! By the way do I have to tell you how clichéd, kind of boring and corny the leader being a do it all action hero is, you never feel fear as Danny Bond is always here! I mean I think the only reason people still get worried about characters dieing and etc is the fact that they have killed off/ taken away some not the fact that there is decent acting or realism to it.

The next thing I want to talk about some of the stories specifically,

Fist of all they seemed to have forgotten about the majority of them from previous seasons and seem to be brushing them under the rug, which is stupid for one thing as they were brilliant and a lot of fans want to see them play out. The new story arches seem to be a bit basic and boring despite the fact they have so much potential such as the artefact one they seem to be creating great ideas and them turning them into rubbish!

Next is (the dreaded) Cutter’s death. First of all this was terrible death that the character Cutter really did not deserve to go out with, it could have been a lot better. I also know that Cutter leaving could not be helped and the writers unfairly had to deal with DH leaving the show. They could of done it so much better though and let his legacy carry on through primeval as now it seems it is just see monster - get chased by monster - kill monster throughout all the episodes, the characters such as Abby and Connor seemed to have forgotten all Cutter taught them which I believe as they looked up to him like a father figure would not of happened for one. There is no finding out things about them or anything really now it just nearly all seems to be action and nothing else which is not what primeval used to be. They also could have made Cutters death a story arch in itself but maybe leaving clues to him not being dead and him leaving messages as someone said in the future and many other stories, all of which they would not actually need the actor for, although I do know they wanted to kill him so people wouldn’t keep hoping he’s alive but this a lot of the time is the wrong thing to do. I would also say if they could convince DH and LB to return they should as them leaving seems to be a part of what is causing the show to detiorating. For anyone who is wondering and somehow doesn’t know…


Cutter does not return nor jenny (just to clarify that) Also Helen dies but I won’t talk about this, as many people don’t know!


I also wanted to say these two leaving may not have been took as badly if the show we were watching was anything like the primeval we knew and still had amazing characters and story lines.

The other thing I wanted to say is I think a lot of us fans are waiting and watching for something to happen that just most likely isn’t.

All in all I know the writers wanted to re-invent primeval but why fix what isn’t broken let alone make a perfectly unique and brilliant show into clichéd rubbish with no realism in sight. They also could spare a thought for the primeval fans that want to be treated fairly and like they have a remote sense of intelligence enough to notice changes and them trying to shove things in their face and silly mistakes such as lack of the characters staying in character and bad editing! Also the fact that we have swapped and brilliant unique show for a T.V screen full of clichéness and a show that is just like every other one of its kind!

I think that is all I can say now, as I am bored, I want to know your views and opinions on this and I do hope the writers do actually read these forums and take into account what people say as any decent writer will seek the views of the people they are writing for it is basic business.

Last but least anyone who actually managed to read all that deserves a cookie *gives cookies*
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