yi_sen recommended what has turned out to be an incredibly useful hornbook for Property - Gilbert's. He also has been kind enough to send me his old CivPro outlines. If I do better than a C+ on Property this time, I'm flying out to DC and giving him a big, sloppy, wet kiss on the lips. Sorry, Yi, it has to be done.
He also passed the MD Bar today - Congrats!
I've decided that my present to myself for a successful completion of 1L finals will be a mileage run somewhere on Tuesday the 17th. Where should I go? I want to maximize miles, but I need to be back by Wednesday morning at the latest, so I'm thinking West Coast. Not SFO or OAK, because I'll be seeing
agatia two days later. Maybe LAX? Some of my old Hawaiian shirts are starting to get a bit threadbare, and I could go to the huge Orange County Hilo Hattie and stock up on more. I could also see
jaebrodsky for lunch or dinner (if she's available). SAN? They're getting a new Hilo Hattie this month, and I could see the world famous zoo while I'm there. I'm tempted to go to SEA - I could see my grandparents - but I'm planning a trip there soon enough as is and a 12-hour trip just wouldn't be worth it.
Of course, I could just bite the bullet and do a 30-hour round-trip and go to HNL, where the flagship store is. What do you folks think?
Okaty, back to benkyo. Benkyo, benkyo, benkyo...