Apr 19, 2009 06:19
Your mother, grandmother and grandfather all having pneumonia, the -walking- kind.
You having the beginnings of strep and a touch of the stomach flu, it worsens because your stupid ass sits in a booking place so your friend can turn himself in and then proceeds to sit outside for about an hour without remembering to bring a fucking drink.
Friends in trouble? Been reading everyone's livejournals and just been taking a look around.
Worried for Anna, worried for Kena, worried for Ash, worried for Usagi, worried for Brian, worried for Jamey -- am I just a worrier or does it make sense?
No Vash, no. No peace signs today. For today, is a day in HEEEEEEEEEELL. I've got a few things going on too.
Like me and mom still having a limited time to live here before we're on the streets. Issues.
Fighting social security and still losing due to poor economics system, and having wait TWO YEARS. Issues.
Since I'm not getting SS so fast, having to put off the college I've been desperately looking forward to,and yet again having to play the waiting game to get my life together. Issues.
-That- fucker still maybe living in town and seems he has a personal score to settle with ol' Sunny Day. Issues.
Battling mental and physical illness without the using medicine or anything for either. (I wouldn't be on medicine for my mentality if it killed me. I'm tough enough, I'll get through it.) Issues.
Added/coming with that being loss of appitite, loss sense of worth, 'I deserve this' type of attitude I battle every day yet don't normally talk about for fear of being casted as 'emo'. Issues.
Mother eating pain pills all the time that effect her lungs while having COPD and yet smoking anywhere from a pack or two a day -- and not quitting. By this, having lungs worse than my grandma, and my mom hasn't even hit fourty five yet. Issues.
Dad's Parkinsons and other disorder(don't know how to spell it) causing him to throw up almost all he eats and shake, lose his balance and fall all the time yet I am split between which parent to go to and when to help. Issues.
Everybody has issues.
Lets just say Sunny's got some issues.
I'm here if you want to every talk about YOUR issues.
moar issues,
want friends to feel better nao,
friends in trouble,