You have GOT to be kidding me

May 07, 2006 15:06

Microsoft is really starting to piss me off. The whole anti-piracy initiative has really spiralled out of control. Now they have gone so far as to create a program that acts just like spyware and automatically install it on as many copies of Windows XP as they can through Automatic Updates.

If I needed any excuse to keep Automatic Updates disabled, this is it.

Seriously, whose brilliant idea was it to install not one but TWO processes on everyone's machines that take up memory and processing power? One program is designed to check your serial number and annoy you as much as possible if it's not on their list of approved numbers. The second one constantly scans your process list to make sure the first one is running...and re-launches it if you shut it down! It took me almost 5 minutes and a reboot to remove the files from my wife's laptop. Luckily it was the only computer in the house that was set up for automatic updates. That has, of course, been fixed.

I understand that Microsoft wants you to buy their software instead of copying it from someone else. But seriously...the things that they've come up with in the last 6 years or so has actually DRIVEN me to pirate their software! Yes, I own a legitimate copy of Windows XP, but I've never used it. Instead, I use a volume license installation with a generated volume license key. I REFUSE to deal with their Activation bullshit.

I upgrade hardware all the time. I experiment with things. I reformat my hard drive every 6-8 months and reinstall. There is no way in hell I'm going to call them to reactivate every time something changes that throws up a red flag! The only downfall to doing it this way is that I can't download things off Microsoft's website because the OS fails the Genuine Advantage check. I'm able to get around that, too, though...I installed my real Windows XP license on a virtual machine and use that to download if I need it.

It's not foolproof...for example, even though I can download it, Windows Defender refuses to install if your license doesn't match their approved list. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the new games that Microsoft publishes start using the same checks, refusing to install on "non-genuine" software. Or worse, the latest version of DirectX. Guess what...when that happens, it will finally be the last push I need to switch to Linux. The only thing that has kept me using Windows is the fact that most of my games require it. However, I refuse to bow down to Microsoft's bullying to continue to play them.

On a positive note, my 3rd MCSE exam is tomorrow. It's all about dealing with a Windows Server 2003 network infrastructure, such as DNS, DHCP, SUS, RIS, and IIS. This is by far the hardest subject to date simply because it's out of my realm of familiarity.

Tuesday's class starts the ISA (Internet Security and Acceleration server) portion, which is our chosen elective for the MCSA/MCSE certification. Yet another portion that's totally new to me. And it only gets worse from there...the next few months are going to be VERY interesting.

microsoft, mcse

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