Music and memories

Nov 05, 2006 09:56

I've been listening to a radio station here in Columbus called The Brew. It plays a lot of music from around the time I was growing up. The strange thing about music is that it tends to stir memories up in me. Those memories typically revolve around the kinds of things I was doing back when I listened to the songs while growing up. Those things range from activities I was doing to books I was reading to people I hung out with. This all got me thinking about the people that I knew back in High School.

I decided that I wanted to start jotting down the people I knew back in high school. The purpose of this exercise is to bring up the ones that I remember. No cheating: I won't be opening up my yearbooks. I'm curious where it will lead.

Last night on the radio I heard Steelheart's "I'll Never Let You Go" on The Brew. This song always makes me think of Jennifer Maine. The song reminds me of her because it was one that we used to talk about. I remember that she liked the rhythm that the drummer did between the chorus and the second verse. Later I realized that Def Leppard's "Love Bites" used that very same rhythm in the same place.

I met Jennifer in the advanced math class that I attended in 8th and 9th grade known as UMTYMP, the University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Project. The summer after the first year in the program I got a letter from her. That letter started a friendship that lasted, on and off, through the rest of high school. I lost contact with her after that. The last thing I heard about her was when my sister told me she ran into her at a party. I wonder what she's doing now?

I hope to continue this theme. It's been on my mind a lot lately with all the old songs that I keep hearing.

music, memories, high school

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