My rant. =)

Mar 17, 2004 04:07

Ok, well I promised that I would come and finish up my last entry...and didn't, sorry. =) Evidently since then I have had a few trolls lately...1 of which I deleted their post because it was very offensive due to the fact that it was composed of bad language (aka. lack of vocabulary). Also, I will let it be known that if I respond to your comment and you furthermore still ask the same question or continue to somehow "prove that point," I will no longer take that time to adhere to such ignorance. Also, I will address the fact that MANY people are somehow annoyed by my use of "n" instead of "and"...and "2" instead of "two"...I mean come it really that big of a deal. And I really love how they call it bad grammar. Yeah that would be...bad spelling...technically. This is how I see long as I know that I am perfectly capable of spelling, then why should I care if people that I don't even know...think that im unable to? Yeah, I don't. But just for the sake of those out there who are THAT anal...I will not spell correctly and take up more space.
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