Bashes skull in with NeverEnding... And then, a question for the flist.

Apr 06, 2009 20:55

GRRR! What the fuck is up with the chapter?!

I swear I have been writing this chapter for five months and I'm finally on the last page... And another brain fart occurs... I lost my Jack voice because he got too emo. *smacks muse in the head*

If I can just get past these two paragraphs of him "complaining" to himself, I'll be able to finish and have the new chapter up by the weekend... Jack is driving me insane! I never had a promblem writing him before but nooo, he's not cooperating in this chapter!

Who knew the filler chapters would be so difficult to deal with?

I have a question for everyone and it's a weird one. What is the weirdest sandwich you've ever heard of? And have you tried it; if so, good or bad?

Yeah, I know, it's sort of random but I need some answers for a fic...

sg1: neverending series, rambles, flist

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