Wowie.. here i am again hopelessly blogging.. again after putting all my old entries on friends view only. >< well anyways, this time i got pissed off (again) that people of the world have got sites and i don't >X( Why do ppl always put little profiles in their site? Those things piss me off so badly.. I mean: Stop Advertising Yourself. Stop telling ppl what you want them to hear, and just let them find out on their own.
I've just finished reading Go Ask Alice this morning & i think it's about time i've stopped reading these Damn Depressing Druggie Books >< They're good, but so depressing (like i said) u___u. At least i'm not reading these teenybopper-assed books.. about teenybopper asses growing up. Life's such a bummer, and no one understands. No one stops once in a while to breathe, slow down and think- not get caught up with stupid useless trash. (well at least i haven't been slowing down myself much to notice?) I mean, what's wrong with Everybody? What's wrong with me?
I can't stop myself from recording those Ccs reruns still! I can't accept the fact that's i've lost interest in it.. i can't accept the change of it, and how Sakura + Syaoran have moved onto too into this new manga Reservoir Chronicles where they're these skimpy teens in some fictional cheesy world >< What happened to the innocence of it all?
++ EWW.. they're so CBC AND Fob! The controversy is killing me ><
*Teehee, guys w/ piercings on their ears are.. WiCkEd!!* (lmfao) >