May 09, 2011 03:00
- 12:22:13: I just unlocked the "I'm on a boat!" badge on @foursquare!
- 21:17:36: @ iFyuvish Not yet =(
- 21:19:07: @ makeMEup04 The battery usually lasts me the day. It gets more efficient as you finish the battery completely and recharge.
- 21:19:38: @ makeMEup04 where?
- 21:29:00: Yay for random coincidences where reading out boxing tweets = mutual head nods of recognition/smiles. Congratulations Filipinos & Pacquiao!
- 21:29:52: @ makeMEup04 where'd you find your beloved jacket?
- 21:36:52: @ SedzOz @cakelulu Happy Mother's Day! =)
- 21:39:07: A chilled Sunday/Happy Mother's Day. Glorious seafood at Watson's Bay with the family and my superwoman Mumsie.
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