Dec 27, 2007 22:34
That's it.
Boredom officially back. With a vengenace.
Why, oh why, did Kirihara have to go home? Otherwise, it'd be fun crack with Jirou-mun. But Kiri's gone. And the comm seems really slow.
Otherwise, that's all that I'm doing anymore.
I'm caught up on fics. I'm reading Golden Compass for the zillionth time. I watched RENT today, Chicago yesterday. I hate the next part of Battle Royale and don't want to read it because, in my opinion, it's the worst part. Which is saying a lot because it's all about kids killing each other.
I don't want to start anything because I'll be gone the next couple of days (New Years Party and work). And the only thing I really want to do on the computer is write this Hana-Kimi story that's been bouncing around my head for a while.
But whenever I try to write it, pure crap comes out.