Look at the nice shiny meme

Dec 10, 2007 22:12

Oh come on, like no one saw this coming...

And it's snagged from a few people.

The 'big sister'

Class: Senior '08
Birthday (Sign): Feb. 2, Aquarius
Bloodtype: B
Height: 5'almost2"
Weight: 160lbs
Eyesight: Glasses-always need those
Dominant hand: About 50/50, though I use my right hand more
Best technique: Overextending myself
Favorite Food: Chicken
Hobbies: Like I have time for hobbies-rpging, school, and work take up almost all my time
Family: Parents, little sis and little bro
Committee: Supposedly, the 'Club' committee, but I'm always too busy working on layout to actually *do* anything
Best Subject: At the moment, Government
Worst Subject: Advanced Mathematics, College Credit
Most Visited spot in School: CWilke's room. I practically live in there.
Elementary school: Ugh, which one? I went to *counts on fingers* 5
Spends money on: Car, food and if there's any left, which there almost always ISN'T, it goes in the bank
Motto: I don't think I have one.
Favorite Movies: Don't watch too many movies
Fave type of books: Just about any book
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite colours: Pale greens, light purples
Fave type (of person): Some one who is funny
Date spot: Wherever, as long as it's fun
Most wanted item: laptop!
Daily routine: wake-up (6:30), go online (7), check messages and get ready for school, leave (7:30), go to school (6:45), get out (2:15), arrive home about 15 minutes later (3:30), do homework or work until bedtime
Dislikes: annoying people
Skills other than tennis: like I have any special skills


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