The Unexpected

Feb 25, 2006 10:49

Title: The Unexpected
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,000
Disclaimer: I own everything except the song Cherish This Love, which belongs to former boyband a1.
Notes: The switches in verb tenses were intended. Written for my (now ex) boyfriend J-F for our one-month anniversary (August 2005).
Warning: None.
FictionPress Link: here.
Summary: Life throws curveballs at people constantly, everyone knows that. But who said these curveballs couldn't be good?

It's funny how things turn around, one day I was lost, then I'm found…

I think these two lines from a1's song Cherish This Love are taking their whole sense now. Because that's how I feel.

Life throws curveballs at people constantly, everyone knows that. But who said these curveballs couldn't be good?

Without the unexpected, life just wouldn't be the same. It's a fact.

And I must admit… recently I've just been enjoying the unexpected.

I mean, we've come a so long way, I wouldn't ever have imagined falling in love with you.

But I did, and I'm glad.

We didn't go to elementary school together, so I didn't know you then. We started going to school together in the seventh grade, but I didn't know you either then, although I think we were in the same gym class.

Comes eighth grade, and I don't know you more. Although I hang out with your best friend. Ninth grade rolls around, and I finally I know who you are. Your best friend has the locker next to mine, and my "best friend"'s new boyfriend is one of your close friends. I have a crush on one your friends. Our four tables (because we are so many people that each group needs two tables) in the big students' area merge constantly. So I know you, but distantly. I don't recall having a real conversation with you.

Tenth grade arrives, and there it starts. We're in the same classes, except for the optional class (I have music and you have art) and Gym (two groups merged together, one teacher takes the boys, another takes the girls). My "best friend"'s boyfriend, who is also a close friend of yours and would later that year become my boyfriend, is there too, so you two do many group works together. And sometimes we merge, you and him, and my two other guy friends, and my girl friend and me. We did a few group works together; I particularly recall fourth term English, with the book report and country project and journal articles. I also remember you joining in on group work time during Math; the teacher sometimes gets annoyed with us because we're six people around two desks and we're not always working. We skip Spanish once together, with two other friends; we somehow "lose our way" between the classroom and the auditorium where we are going to watch a movie, and find ourselves playing cards and soccer in the park near the school, and almost have a run-in with the teacher right after the class, and end up back on the second floor, laughing our asses off because it was so close.

Eleventh grade is definitely the big year. And not only because it's our last year of high school. We aren't close friends, but we still talk. You're the only person I talk a lot to who is in all of my classes (except one; you have chemistry while I have multimedia). Right at the beginning of the year, we have a project in gym: a movement routine to do, with music, and to present in front of the class. I pair up with my best friend; you join us. I don't know if you remember that detail which I find ironical now: our theme was jealousy; me being the only girl in the team, you boys put together a nice story of a love triangle; I played your girlfriend. After that project, we are always together in gym. In English you are sitting in front of me, so we sometimes talk. In physics and math, you sometimes join in as my boyfriend and I work, and we have a lot of fun. (Although, as I admitted to you, I sometimes was jealous because you took up all his attention then, even after he and I had broken up.) In French, we do a lot of work together in the last few months of the school year: we write a poem (19/20, great mark!), project during which, you will hear this for the first time, I got the urge to both ask you to Prom and kiss you. We also get in a team with two friends to act an extract of a play in front of the class. We also do a project together in English, with two of your friends: a radio play which I still have, and which I still find hilarious and silly.

You went out with my best friend at the end of the year. She dumped you after a week. You kept hanging out with her. And during all that time, since you'd started seeing her, I'd been hanging with you guys too. And felt drawn to you. A few days after we broke up, she, you and I went camping with you best friend, in his backyard. We had your big tent set up, and planned to sleep all four of us in there. But something happened between our two best friends and we ended up just the two of us in the tent that night. I still recall our 2 AM conversation with a smile: complaining because both the front and back doors of the house were locked so we couldn't go to the bathroom, then bitching about the train and the plane, and then small talk until we fell back asleep. You left quickly the next morning, right almost breakfast, and I couldn't blame you. When I came home that afternoon, and logged in, you came to talk to me right away, and you did something I never saw coming: you asked me to Prom. I took my time giving you an answer, because I definitely felt something for you, and you'd asked me as friends, and I didn't want to mess something up. I finally agreed, and that is a decision I don't regret. As Prom approached, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Sometimes I thought you liked me too, and my friends thought so too, but at other times I would shake my head and think, "He can't like me."

Prom arrived. You said my dress was pretty when you saw me; I secretly hoped it was a subtle way to tell me I was pretty. I stayed close to you all night; you even at some point declared yourself and two friends my bodyguards, so no one would step on the edge of my dress. We didn't dance, although a friend took a picture of us together. It's after Prom that things started happening. You and I went to one of our friends' house with another friend. It was fun; you and I on the couch watching TV, the two others playing on the computer. I kept scooting closer to you, and in the end we came really close to holding hands. Unfortunately, my dad came to pick us up before it could happen. Later that day, for it was in the morning that we left our friend's house, you asked me if I liked you. I told you I did; you felt the same. You were leaving for an after-Prom party with all our friends; you were going camping. I couldn't go since I worked the next day, but we managed to work an arrangement so I could go after work. Your best friend had to go back to town, so you and my best friend went with him, and you guys picked me up on your way back.

It was great, that night of camping. I got to share your tent, with two other guys and my best friend. We all got so drunk and had so much fun. Plus I made a move on you, I'm sure you remember (how can you not?)… I just took your hand, saying something like, "This is something I should have done a long while before," and ended up spending the rest of the night sitting in your lap. We also shared our first kiss that night, although it was a bit rushed because we were playing Truth or Dare. It was the next day that we got our first real kiss, and it was amazing. It marked our getting together, and although we made it official only a few days later, I'll always regard the first day of every month as our anniversary.

This got a little long and I think I might have gotten carried away as I was writing, but reading it over, I realized that by relating all these events I did make my point: I never thought I'd fall in love with you, and never thought you'd fall in love with me, but we both did, and this is one of the most marvellous surprises life has given me so far.

original story, one-shot, stream of consciousness

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