Shameless plug...

Feb 05, 2005 17:26

I just posted on FictionPress two short stories I wrote sometime ago and found last night when going through old papers:

Mirror of the Soul

I downloaded the PRSPD premiere today and watched it... I can't say if I like the show or not yet, because there's some things I've liked and others I've hated... so yeah. We'll see. I'm kinda biased though, since I think PRDT was the best season of PR and all... One thing is for sure: I don't like Sky at all. But I might get a soft spot for Bridge... And the whole 'my-mentor-is-a-blue-dog-for-god's-sake' just throws me off. I was like, WTF? And according to a poll I did with my family, none of them would follow a dog's orders, whether he talks or not. ^_^

writing: original fiction, tv: power rangers, !public post

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