Sep 02, 2009 01:14

I didn't get into American Idol this season before Top 3 week. I'd actually tuned in to see what all the fuss about Adam was about, and Kris ended up capturing my heart. I pretty much love him and Adam equally now, but the second I heard Kris sing on that Tuesday night, I just completely fell in love with him and his voice and I just knew he was the one I wanted to see win this thing. I am so ridiculously excited for his album, I seriously start squeeing every time someone says, "November 17th".

And that's about as coherent as I can get right now, so why don't you just have some REASONS WHY KRISTOPHER NEIL ALLEN IS SO FUCKING AMAZING THAT MY BRAIN WILL STILL BE TRYING TO PROCESS IT IN 10 YEARS:

** He makes me go
every time I:
- Hear him speak;
- Hear him sing;
- See a picture of him;
- Read a tweet from him;
- Read/see an interview with him;
- Hear someone say his name.

** He's so adorable there is no way he can possibly be real.

** His tweets. (I can't even pick a favorite, they're so... so... I don't even know, okay? I just love them to pieces.)

** I am in fucking love with this shirt:

and he owns it.

** His version of Falling Slowly is pretty much the only song that can calm me down when I really, really want to break something. "Indirect anger management" should be added to the list of things he can do.

** His snarky comments are the shit.

** He made me actually enjoy a Kanye song.

** He writes his name with a K. K is now the letter of the alphabet that wins the most at life.

** Thanks to him, I now know that eating 14 plums is not a good idea.

** His Alexa Chung interview. <3

** He likes the Ninja Turtles. And Transformers.

** He inspires me so much. Every day. And he has no idea.


** His "horribly dirty Converse shoes that [he] wear[s] every day". I love them. And I love that they're one of the five things he needs with him on tour.

** He's such a lovable dork.

** His album is going to be one of the two best albums of 2009. (It's going to be tied with Adam's obviously, because who could possibly choose between those two GQ mothefuckers?)

** He's so open-minded and humble and genuine and down to earth.

(Also, this.)

** The way my ovaries just explode every time a picture of him with children pops up.

** He pretty much ruined men for me. (I mean, seriously? I recently reconnected with an old friend of mine, and he reminds me of Kris so. freaking. much. And not just ~psychologically, but also physically, which really freaks me out.) Funny enough though, I don't care.

** His voice. Music to my ears, even when he's just talking.

** And let's not forget his laugh.

** And that adorable scrunchy face of his.

** … And did I mention his mouth yet?

** Um. Have you actually looked at him?

** He plays guitar.

** Bright Lights.

** "I'm not normal."

** Superman has Kris Allen pyjamas.

** He keeps a journal.

** He is so presh that I just want to tacklehug him and never let go.

** He is so talented, it totally blows my mind. I wish I had even half his talent.

** He doesn't love people, he lives them.


** "Love is the coolest thing that's ever happened in the world."

** The way he looks so much at home on a stage. It makes me want to cry sometimes to see just how he completely belongs there.

** Three words: his. jaw. line.

** Never has plaid looked so good on anyone.


Oh sorry, was I saying something?

appreciation posts are appreciating, people: kris allen went 2 awesome school, media: pictures, television: american idol, !public post

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