Fic and moskito bites. A HP oriented post among the Narnia related ones.

Jul 07, 2008 22:13

I sat outside for all of five minutes tonight, and ended up with at least five moskito bites. Ugh. Note to self: never go outside right after getting out of the shower.

On another note, with all the promo pictures of Half-Blood Prince surfacing, why haven't we seen the twins yet? Seriously. I know they're not at Hogwarts anymore, but surely they'll want to tease us with a first look at the Wheezes, right? Ron's pretty and all, but I think I'll die if they don't give us some new Fred and George soon.


Title: Doux Souvenirs
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Cedric
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 833
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. I only own the plot.
Notes: Most of the dialogue is from the graveyard scene in the French translation of the GoF book. French translation of Sweet Memories.
Warnings: Death. Slash.
Beta: awdrouch and cyntika224, who are absolutely amazing. Without their input and criticism, I never would have felt this translation worthy of being posted online. ♥ Link: Here.
Fan Art: My friend drew this after reading the fic.
Summary: À l'aube de sa mort, Harry se souvient.

( Accroupi derrière la tombe de Tom Jedusor sénior, Harry Potter tremblait violemment, son être en entier ressentant toujours les effets du sortilège Doloris tandis qu'il se pressait contre la pierre froide.)

I know I said I'd post it last night, but... you know me. Don't Fight It and Too Late should be next, but I think one of them isn't completely beta-ed yet. The other fics haven't been translated yet. Again, thanks to awdrouch and cyntika224 for helping me out with this. You guys rock.

First story since, what, September? And it's a translation. I know. I've been working on stuff, though, trying to finish stories I started ages ago, but it's sometimes hard to get back into something I haven't worked on for over a year. I'd really like to have something new out by the end of the summer, though.

ships: cedric/harry, fic: slash, movies: harry potter, fic: harry potter, fic: translation, real life: me, !public post

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