FIC: Dude... Like I Have No Idea (Veronica Mars)

Oct 20, 2006 21:18

And OMG it's done. Finally. Now I can concentrate on other fic ideas. Or homework. Heh.

Title: Dude... Like I Have No Idea
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Mac/Dick, implied Logan/Veronica
Characters: Mac, Dick, Veronica. Parker and Logan mentions.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,014
Disclaimer: Rob Thomas is my God. And he owns it all.
Notes: Takes place about two weeks after Blue Hair. So you should probably read that one first. But it's not necessary. Oh, and this is completely AU.
Spoilers: Up to 3x01, just to be safe.
Warnings: None.
Thanks: To tempestquill for reading it over and assuring me that it doesn't suck like I thought it did, and for being my total VM/LJ-soulmate. *hugs* And also to the girls of the #PRFic chatroom for their help during the editting process.
Summary: "It's not like the kind of feeling I had when I was with-" Mac stops abruptly. "It's different. Only I don't know if that's good or bad. It's hard to explain."

READ BLUE HAIR. Or proceed:

( Mac slowly takes her eyes off her computer screen and swivels in her desk chair. Sitting cross-legged on the bed with her Criminology book open in her lap, Veronica is staring at her with a slight frown. )

Quote of the day:
Frost: lol i just thought of something... you're like my personal cheerleader :P
Marie: YAY! :D

ships: mac/dick, friends: real life, fic: veronica mars, !public post

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