(no subject)

May 28, 2012 00:40

"So, I take it you're a Christian?" The old man pointed his chin at the cross that was resting around Fallon's neck.

She shrugged and replied, "I am. Why?"

Leaning on the table that we were sitting at, he took a bite out of my ham and cheese sandwhich. Thanks for asking. "I've met Jesus a couple of times. Real nice kid but he's a real big hippie. Peace and love, brother. That kind of thing." I looked over at Fallon who looked back at me while mouthing, "what the fuck?"

"His dad is a real asshole, though. You guys call him God, right? I'm not kidding, he's just this huge egotistical douchebag. I mean for crying out loud, he's a god that goes around calling himself God! I don't get why he's so popular with you mortal folk. He's always bragging about how loved he is at parties."

Fallon laughed uncomfortably as she shifted around in her booth seat. "Neal, maybe we should leave," she whispered. "He's kind of scaring me."

I was having a hard time believing this guy's claims that he was a "retired god of the sea." For all that I knew, he could have been some dellusional old man starving for attention. But I almost wanted to believe what he was saying. After all, there was a mermaid sleeping on my couch at home. A mermaid that would later turn out to be his daughter.

writing, a story with a name that's tba, drabble

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