I responded a while ago to your scanlation announcement and here I am again! (Out of my usual lurking status!)I can't remember my LJ password so it's anonymity for this chica! First of all, I totally misunderstood. I didn't realize that scanlation =/= translation + scans. Whoops. So all my blah blah blah was for nuthin'. xP
ANYWAY... On to Clamp and their wild craziness. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the authors and their works. I love the glamorous visuals that I get to drool over. However, I do agree that their cookie-cutter formula gets tiring. But that's what my imagination is for, bwahaha! I can imagine whatever the heck I want and they have no control over that. x] But yes, the repetition can be frustrating at times.
As for Clamp not exploring individual human pain, I believe that they do. First off, an expression can hold so much meaning. The only reason that it may not seem so is because we may be reading the manga very quickly (I know I do on the first run). It's harder to appreciate the details when you just want to reach the heart of the storyline. And, a perfect example of how Clamp DOES explore human emotion can be seen in X/1999. There is so much pain there, you almost just wanna slap a big "EMO ALERT" sticker on the front and be done with it. xDDDD I think that Clamp is anything but nonemotional. Every story is jam-packed with it. You just have to know where to look. Chobits? Perverted, yes, but there is interesting food for thought about the many different manifestations of love. CCS? A little more superficial, but it still taps into emotion, moreso into values like courage and friendship. MKR? A tad bit over the top with the drama, but empathy and inner strength are played up here. Tsubasa? Oh please. Don't even get me started with Syaoran's constant emo episodes. :P
And voila. That's all I have to say about that. ;D
ANYWAY... On to Clamp and their wild craziness. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with the authors and their works. I love the glamorous visuals that I get to drool over. However, I do agree that their cookie-cutter formula gets tiring. But that's what my imagination is for, bwahaha! I can imagine whatever the heck I want and they have no control over that. x] But yes, the repetition can be frustrating at times.
As for Clamp not exploring individual human pain, I believe that they do. First off, an expression can hold so much meaning. The only reason that it may not seem so is because we may be reading the manga very quickly (I know I do on the first run). It's harder to appreciate the details when you just want to reach the heart of the storyline. And, a perfect example of how Clamp DOES explore human emotion can be seen in X/1999. There is so much pain there, you almost just wanna slap a big "EMO ALERT" sticker on the front and be done with it. xDDDD I think that Clamp is anything but nonemotional. Every story is jam-packed with it. You just have to know where to look. Chobits? Perverted, yes, but there is interesting food for thought about the many different manifestations of love. CCS? A little more superficial, but it still taps into emotion, moreso into values like courage and friendship. MKR? A tad bit over the top with the drama, but empathy and inner strength are played up here. Tsubasa? Oh please. Don't even get me started with Syaoran's constant emo episodes. :P
And voila. That's all I have to say about that. ;D
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