Aaahhhh,I had physic test...and I got C!!!
I mean,how is that posible???My parents r BOTH engineers,and my sister too...pretty sure something's wrong with my DNA...or maybe I'm adoppted o.o?Anyway,on that test,we had to make up some code instead writting our names on the papaer,and I put 666 (coz I listened to The GazettE that day *hihihi x)*),so know everybody is telling me:"ohhhhh u pick the devil's nummber!!That's y u got C" or "OMG!!666??R u psyho??"....-__-...I mean PEOPLE!!IT IS JUST A NUMBER!!!Donno even if that's true what they said-that 666 is a bad number...
Hope next time GazettE won't bring me bad luck....
The GazettE PV:No.[666]♥~