Nov 19, 2009 20:06
The cost of everything is going up. Therefore, both I and the government need more money to purchase the same things we bought last year for less.
However, the government needs the money so much, it will take money away from me in order to maintain itself. And I, who need more also...have less.
I would not mind so much, if the government would use that money wisely. When I hear that $6.4B in "stimulus money" was recently spent in 440 congressional districts that do not exist....I bet I could spend that money more wisely on myself and my children.
So, I have some questions:
a) were these funds actually disbursed or only allocated?
b) If those funds *were* disbursed, where are they? What bank(s) handled the funds, under whose name(s)? Can the funds be recovered?
c) when gov't says $6.4B created 30,000 jobs (@ $213K each), who are these new 6-figure earners & what do they do to earn it? (yes, I know, most of that money would have vanished into administrative costs and not gone to the actual job-holders).
d)Or, were these merely hypothetical jobs, theoretically created out of allocated but undisbursed funds, and if so should I feel hopeful?
When I hear the government mis-spent $98B last year, $47B of it on fraudulent Medicare and Medicaid payments....I want to know why I should believe it will be different tomorrow, or next year, or ten years from now if/when the government takes over medical care in this country, in the name of 'health care reform'?
I am discouraged. I do not feel hopeful. Quite the opposite, really.