The run is 8' long x about 3.5' wide x about 2' tall; the coop is 4' long, 2' wide, and about 3' tall with a bit of slope for the roof. I am going to try to find a scrap of gutter so I can make runoff go off to the side, and not get that sheet of water going down my back when I go out to tend chickens in the rain. :D
My father built the coop, though he didn't put windows in it - that was my idea. I got the idea for using inexpensive picture frames with plexiglass 'glass' from We will paint the coop using leftover redwood colored paint from our house, so it matches, once the weather turns cooperative. We'll even paint the trim in green.
A woman from my homeschooling mailing list gave me the run, because she now keeps her chickens in a cyclone-fencing dog run and I suppose it was cluttering up her yard.
Full view, from near house
End view of run
End of coop, with window installed & thoroughly caulked
Back of coop, human access door and other window
Better view of window, showing the window on the end. Between these two, since they face south and west, there should be at least a little light inside any time the sun is out.
Interior, showing nest, perch, and shavings
Vent hole on side facing run, to let heat out in summer. I put this under the eaves and put wire across it to keep out critters. I have no idea what critters would want to go in that way, but now they can't.
Roof, which we roofed ourselves! We sang the
State Roofing song - scroll down and click by the rotating radio icon a lot.
Underside of coop facing run, with wire to keep chickens in, racoons and cats out