All These Things That I've Done...

Jan 01, 2008 17:36

cause i never actually write in my lj and i want some form of documentation of 2007, here is a (somewhat but probably not really) brief summary of what i remember from each month....

and for everyone whos not gonna bother reading the rest, which is understandable, id just like to note that this year started with a death and ended with a birth, and started with me kissing a total mistake and ended with me kissing someone i love. that kind of makes me sentimental..

-a strange time... a very tragic beginning, with a death that hurt the whole community 
-the whole month i get more intense with someone i shouldn't...halfway through i kiss that someone, but by the end of the month ive become smart enough to stop the whole thing
-i get my permit

-mattress hair and makeup... i start reforming my friendship with eric, and can't help starting to have denial-secret-forbidden feelings for him that i pass off as like a normal ex thing
-also with mattress hair and makeup: that dp at kate's house with eric and stephen laconte..RHONDA!!
-speaking of rhonda... drivers ed!! going to friendly's every saturday with izzy and kate and getting plenty of clam chowda
-valentines day snow day
-DOLLEGE.. february vacation, a fucking amazing time, definitely a highlight... so much bff girl bonding time, staying up crazy late with kate taking pictures, working out with molly, sleeping on nikkino and like everyone in the dollege llama, shopping and loving and dollege-ing with the three of them and... kefhkj it was just epic.

facebook flirting with eric
-the infamous semi.... WORST.
-the shins concert!!
-I FINISH THAT FUCKING POETRY PAPER. probably the worst all-nighter ever, but i hate to admit it, i feel like i actually got something out of it... other than being the biggest procrastiantion feat of my life, i ended up enjoying stevie smith, and i was rather pleased with the result. i even saved it, i dont save ANYTHING (school-wise).

-bowling with eric and socks, trying on all her clothes, good times.
-FUCKING. ITALIA.  the absolute positive highlight of the year and like my entire not even going to try.
-drama dram drama about the whole eric thing... there was so much shit to work through, not even just with each other but with evryone, but we did work through it, slowly... not entirely in april obviously but thats when it started and it all slowly got resolved.
-midsummer! kate being amazing as hermia and everyone doing a fantastic job... the epic fairy makeup, the flirtiness, the ridiculous cast parties...

-the first of the month, eric and i finally decide to just go for it... a perfect day.
-the same week, i have to take the stupid history ap... which sucked to study for, but wasnt too bad, and was sooo relieving to be over with
-i think i also took my sat 2's this month... so basically this month was the beginnings of eric round 2 mixed in with lots of standardized testing... the long phone conversations weren't so good for the whole testing things, but life is always mixed good and bad like that.

-for our first monthaversary, eric makes me this adorable diarama thing out of a shoebox, which i eventully end up using to store different bits of memorabilia from our relationship
-sats followed by relay for life (same day)
-my poetry paper is returned and i rejoice
-margaret and i make a huge card and party for MADAMMMEEE whoi leaves us to go save the world 
-kate's house the week school ends with nikki izzy and kate.... one of the most magical and sentimental nights of the year. we take our now-traditional walk around kate's neighborhood and SKAT (scat?) and reaffirm that even though we have our bad times and end up more often than any of us would like in petty arguments, i love those girls more than life itself and thats never going to change. also, kate and i have one of our amazing late night talks where we work everything out, and nikki interrupts the most sentimental moment with her tampon issues. BEST.
-my comm ed job starts... ohhh comm ed camp, group 3 was difficult, but i miss my kids, and it was so nice to work with eric

-driving with kate.... nora (driving instructor, also kate's old bus driver) asks if i have problems with paying attention and suggests that perhaps driving just isnt my thing
-HARRY POTTER. i spend the weekend reading aloud to esther, and the remainder beign upset that the series is over after all these years.

-maine...boring as always, but it was nice at this point to have a break from comm ed, and i got my psych readings done.. also its always nice to spend time with the feeneys
-drama at comm ed, i am so ready when it ends... a good experience overall, and i do love the kids, but group 3 did get rather exhausting
-izzy stays with me for the weekend... she writes in my planner:
 "-Izzy comes over and fucks your brains out all night long
-end relationship with Eric
-commence relationship with Izzy"
-in reality, we college visit all weekend
-rufus concert!!!
-chorus camp...first experience of being SENIORS.
-intense cramming of peter the great for the week before school starts

-i discover the horrors of crick and physics, and the wonders of euro
-also, lynn is ridiculous
-college counseling center visits galore

-hanging out with eric every tuesday, cause neither of us has started our babysitting jobs yet
-Grease trip with nikkino!! a wondrous nyc trip, reminiscent of our magical rent trip sophomore year
-the fucking catapult
-my brithday...which kind of sucked this year, it was on a shitty tuesday. but i think i hung out with friends that weekend, which was nice.

-i fail my first road test at the beginning of the month , and just barely pass the second at the end of the month
-i create a new and improved signature for myself, inspired by the h on the cover of my hamlet copy
-CABARETMENT! i am very impressed by all my friends being amazing, and get crazy sentimental at the final verse of goodnight..
-senior dress-up day! our card costumes are pretty much the best, and everyones acts were hilarious. way more nudity than expected.
-i start babysitting for the havilands... emily is angelic and we invent a recipe and play with her awful neighbors. contrary to how i felt by session 7 of commed, i actually do adore 8 year olds
-izzy kate eric and i discover that we are seniors and have access to a car and that we should start being less lame and go to sorrentos for lunch!

-symphony and renee flemming with eric
-eric slowly gets me to appreciate his passion by bringing over various operas on saturdays, and creating a family opera night since my parents are into it too
-faneuil hall i spend essentially with izzy in urban outfitters... its fun, but rather short
-WINTER VACATION... jess' party- lots of sledding and that ridiculous game where izzy is hilarious and say anything and those fucking delicious blondies and ranting with katie and other cricksters about crick
-the last saturday of 2007 with eric...perfect.
-esther calls me on the 31st to tell me that my cousin's wife just had a baby... Max William Pinsky
-izzys new years partys... i get to see all my friends after a long vacation, and i fianllly have someone to kiss on new years
-(this is technically 2008 so it goes in parentheses but then i had a sleepover with nikkino and it was love)

HOORAY FOR 2007. I pretty much already put my summary of everything at the beginning of the entry but.... basically i love you all and i think that 2007 was a good year... low points obviosuly but so full of love and i just feel like 2007 was overall a success. i like who i am. obvisously im still not perfect and my relationships with everyone arent perfect but everythings just like...legit and dynamic and real and happening and...i dont know. life is so strange to categorize.

HAPPY 2008!!! fucking 08. 08pinskyh. we are going to fucking graduate. im not ready for that yet, im not rerady to leave all these amazing people that ive built up my relationships with for so long and... i just love everyone, and thankyou for a wonderful year, lets make 2008 even better. make new friends but keep the old, and all that. 
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