Name: Kisa
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Contact Info: AIM: seasaltmemory
Other Characters Played: Hermione Granger, Haruhi Fujioka, Akira Okuzaki
Preferred Housing: N/A
Character Name: Xion, Number XIV, or No. i
Character Series: Kingdom Hearts
Character Age: Physical age: 15, Chronologically: less than a year
Xion on KH wikia!Personality: Xion's personality really depends on the moment. Why? Well, to start with, Xion was created by the Organization not even a year ago. Because of this it took her a while to develop some sense of self. She refused to speak for her first week within the Organization and, as Roxas muses, her first word might just have been Roxas' name. This is mostly because, as a replica, she was nothing more than a doll for the first several months.
Now, as she spends more time with Roxas she grows to be a bit more like him and this is because, well, she's starting to absorb some of his memories as his "somebody" Sora. So Xion has a mixture of memories in her: Sora's, her own, and the person she's based after: Kairi. Because Xion was created by the Organization from Sora's memories of Kairi. Sound complicated enough? Yeah, I thought so.
It's this complication of memories and personalities that results in Xion's mixture of personalities. Luckily... this won't really have to be dealt with in Mayfield.
So, Xion then... She starts out as a rather shy individual. As formerly said it takes her a few weeks before she utters a single word and a day letter to say a single sentence. This is sort of her relationship with all the Organization members, it takes her a few days to a few weeks to warm up to a person. Sometimes she never does and, a way to tell this is that, like all Organization members, she keeps her hood up. In the Organization this is a symbol of mistrust towards another that you won't let them see your face. Which is true, Xion does not trust a number of the Organization members which is what leads her to eventually leave it.
Once the hood is down, however, Xion is a friendly and caring girl. A lot like Sora an even Kairi, she enjoys laughing with her friends and spending time with them. Hours were spent on the clock tower with Axel and Roxas spent doing normally senseless things for the Organization: laughing, making jokes, being friends. Xion isn't just friendly with these two, either, she warms up some to Xigbar and Demyx... or at least Demyx enough to joke about him like the rest of the class. She also takes a deep interest in the people she meets when visiting worlds to gather hearts.
As for the caring? Well, Xion is considered a "special Nobody" for a reason, simply because she's not a Nobody at all. As a Replica she, in all technicality, has a heart whereas the rest of the Organization doesn't. She feels and sees things differently than the rest of them because of this, and is actually quite emotionally fragile. She cares for her friends with all her heart and will do anything for them. She leaves the Organization in order to protect Roxas and, eventually, has him kill her so he won't be killed as she takes over all his memories. This tears her apart, the fact she was hurting her friends more than just being a puppet.
A Puppet. That's how a number of the Organization sees Xion, and while she fights against it she knows that's what she is. Being a Puppet causes many instances within Xion. At times she wants to give in and break down, other times she wants to fight back and prove she's more than what the members of the Organization-- and Riku-- believe, but when it comes down to it she knows and resents what she is. No matter what she may be, she considers herself alive, considers everything she's been through real. Because for her, it is. All of it is real and she'll fight until the bitter end.
It's true, Xion doesn't have much of a personality, not as an individual. Everything she's experienced has flip flopped her personality, but core things remain. She's protective of her friends and harming or saying wrong about them will enrage her to no end. Because of the fact she does have a heart she sees what the Organization is doing is bad, hence why she wants Roxas to release the hearts, and has a strong sense of justice in regards to it. This comes a lot from both Kairi and Sora.
For the most part she's lost and confused about everything the others say about her, but one thing never changes. No matter what she's faced with or who she meets, Xion cherishes the memories she's made. Cherishes the life she was given. And, in a way, this is something she didn't obtain from any of the rest of the cast. Sure, she may come off as shy at first, but she enjoys smiling, laughing, and keeping these memories-- these memories that are solely hers and no one else can take away. That, and her friendships, are what's most important to her. And she'll do whatever she can to protect them.
Abilities: As a part of Sora and Roxas's replica, Xion is able to use the Keyblade. The Keyblade is an object that has the ability to lock and unlock anything, even the heart of an entire world. On the same note, the Keyblade is also a weapon that generally fights against darkness such as the Unversed, Heartless, and even Nobodies. The Keyblade is a weapon that doesn't necessarily need to be learned, the wielder is able to summon it at any time. Xion, for example, was able to use a Keyblade suddenly when she wanted to help Roxas fight the Darkside. No one taught her to use it, it just appeared.
Xion is also capable of magic and is more adept to it than Roxas. This is mostly because of the fact that, before she could summon a Keyblade and when she lost the ability to, this was her main way to fight Heartless.
It’s also important to note, that Xion’s “doll body” looks different to everyone who sees her and has a connection to Sora. People like Xemnas see her as nothing more than a doll without a face, Axel saw her as Namine, and Roxas always saw her as, well, herself. This won’t come into play much with people in Mayfield unless they know something with Sora-- but when/if she regains her normal body, the first few weeks people normally see a faceless doll until they see her for her. Since even Axel eventually saw her for her.
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